Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Where Were You 10 Years Ago?

This morning I saw an interview with Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg on the TODAY Show. It's Facebook's 10 year anniversary. Congratulations!  It really made me reflect on where I was 10 years ago.

This Fall marks my company, JMB Designs, LLC, 10 year anniversary.  A lot can happen in 10 years.  In February 2004 I was in school, about 3 months pregnant with my first child, and helping my husband build his business.

I had a long list of goals and expectations.  I never planned to start a web design company, but instead I wanted to work for a company as a designer.  That happened; except the company is owned by me.  I thought we'd only have one child, but we ended up with two beautiful girls.  The business my husband ran successfully for years is now just a shadow of pleasant memories.  I have relocated, traded in a gold sports car for a black SUV, and now spend my weekends shuttling kids to the skating rink and play dates.

Your life can change a lot in 10 years.  How has your life changed?


  1. I've been thinking about this a lot, actually, since my life changed rather drastically 10 years ago when my marriage ended. The journey since then has been pretty amazing, and when I look back I can hardly believe it's been 10 years. Complete career change, new marriage, new city... but it's all better than I could have imagined!

    1. Sharon, thank you so much for sharing. Isn't it amazing how much life can change in 10 years. It's especially great to look at the place you have made it to 10 years later and find out you are in a better place. :-)
