Saturday, January 18, 2014

[Solved] Paypal Button Not Displaying Correctly in Joomla

I have experienced a high level of frustration when adding Paypal "Subscribe" buttons to my Joomla website.  The Paypal hosted  image never displays correctly. I finally came across the answer after a little bit of research.

Have you added the code to your article or module and then find that the 147px x 47px image looks like this? Much smaller than you would like.

Have you tried to alter the code and find that even if you change the width and height the image will adjust the width but not the height?

This is more than likely happening because of your CSS settings.  Because the code for your Paypal button is <form> code the default settings in your template's stylesheet will control how the button image is displayed.

The Simple Solution:

Apply your own custom style in the HTML code for the Paypal button.

  1. Go to your button code in your Joomla article or module

  2. Add this code after the alt text "The safer, easier way to pay online!":  style="border: 0px none ; padding: 0px; width: 147px; height: 47px;"

  3. In that string of code you will need to delete the the HTML code border="0"

Of course you can adjust the width and height as needed.  These values are the default size of the basic Subscribe button from Paypal.  Your button should now look correct in your Joomla article or module.

**Note: Your code may also contain a link for a pixel.gif with a width="1" height="1". This is NOT the image that displays your button so there is no need to edit this image.**

Please be aware that this is what has worked for me.  Please backup your website before making any adjustments to the code. Use this advice at your own risk.

Celebrate Your Moments

If you spend anytime using social media for marketing your small business you can easily become obsessed with numbers.  Whether it's how many followers you  have or how many people "like" your page, we tend to value our success on social media by these numbers.

I have learned that in the great big world of social media, numbers are relative. There are any number of companies willing to sell you followers and get you likes.  I choose not to use such means to build my online connections.

It would be easy to buy thousands of followers so my numbers look fantastic, but still not have one meaningful engagement with them.  Instead, I choose to work hard at building relationships on social media. Because of this I may not have the most followers, or likes, as the next person, but I do have great people that I connect with on a daily basis that bring value to my personal and professional life.

I take time to celebrate my great social media moments.  I don't compare myself to the next person.  I know how much effort I have put into gaining followers, and I know how that effort has paid off.

One of my latest "great moments" was when our company received 1000 followers on Pinterest.  Those followers came from learning about Pinterest and how to use it for business.  Time was spent researching what boards were being pinned from the most and how to utilize those boards for marketing purposes. When we hit 1000 followers I was so excited.  I was talking to my husband and happened to check my Pinterest app and jumped up out of my chair shouting "We hit 1000!"

Take time to celebrate your moments.  They will fuel future great moments and keep you motivated.

"Life isn't a matter of milestones, but of moments." -Rose Kennedy 

Client Shout Outs (aka A Great Big Thank You) #3

I enjoy working with all of my clients, especially those who offer great services to the community. My latest Shout Out goes to a great organization that we assisted with their existing website.

The Hoof and Paw Benevolent Society

I met the Society president, Shirley Locklair, at an event hosted by local Chambers. She discussed their needs and I knew it would be a great project. They offer such a needed service to Fairfield County, South Carolina. To learn more, please visit the website and share their great cause with your friends.

  • Corrected layout issues to existing template based website
  • Added secured online membership form
  • Made minor adjustments to fonts, font colors, images, and page layouts