Truth #1: As a web design company owner you are a sales person FIRST!
If you don’t want to sell your company’s services and you only want to build websites you need to go work for a great company or hire yourself an awesome salesperson.
Before I became a web designer I told my husband my only skill was selling. It was true. I had been in sales since I was 18. It wasn’t my passion, but it was my gift. I came by it naturally. My gift was enhanced by sales training from some of the top sales people in America: Zig Ziglar, John Lawhon, and Floyd Wickman.
Today I want to share the #1 tool that took me from good to great in retail sales and that has only enhanced my ability to sell web design services.
Selling is: Giving people the information they need to make the best buying decision. -John Lawhon
I memorized that quote from John Lawhon’s book Selling Retail. Most salespeople don’t give a potential customer or client the information they need to make the best buying decision. Instead a salesperson usually gives the customer irrelevant information they feel the customer needs to hear as they try to convince the customer that “you need to buy today and you need to buy from me”.
As a web design salesperson how do you give the potential client the information they need to make the best buying decision?
Qualify Your Potential Client. This is the process of asking questions to find out the needs of the potential client. Before you can tell the lead what you can do for them, you need to know what they want.
Ask questions such as:
What type of business/project do you need the website for?
What pages did you have in mind for the website?
Do you want a brochure website that is more informational or do you want the website to be dynamic?
Do you have a budget for the project?
The Lesson: The more you know the potential client’s needs and wants the better you will be able to give them the information they need to make the best buying decision when it comes to hiring a web designer.
You will get hired if you stand out as a different salesperson. The type that really cares and will do their best to make sure to meet the client's needs.